Streamlining Communications When Moving from Slack to Teams

Streamlining Communications

It is only through getting the communications part right that it becomes effortless to move from Slack to Microsoft Teams with complete success. The more streamlined the communication, the better the transparency between your organization and the migration service provider.

Here are several ways to bridge the communication gap right from the pre-migration analysis phase to the execution and validation phase of the project.

1. Involving All the Stakeholders From the Early On

One of the key needle movers for effective and streamlined communication is to ensure all stakeholders of the Slack to Teams migration project are involved from the start. Taking this step helps ensure everybody from your company and the migration vendor’s team are on the same page when planning and executing the project.

Some of the key meetings with the migration provider where all stakeholders need to be involved:

  • Demoing the tool for one or more specific use cases
  • Scoping the project (planning the scope of work)
  • Planning the migration timeline
  • Making amendments to security and legal policies (if required)
  • Validation of the migrated user batches

2. Ensuring the Availability of a Dedicated Migration Manager and a Team

Businesses, especially SMBs, are always better off when there is a dedicated migration manager and a team available for the migration project. The dedicated manager, along with the team, can deeply understand the intricacies of your organization’s migration needs through streamlined communication and prepare the right strategies to achieve them.

Here are some of the effective ways to further streamline communications with the migration manager and the entire migration team:

  • Preschedule meetings that match your IT team’s and the migration team’s availability
  • Document the discussion points as part of maintaining proper record-keeping of the migration project
  • Prioritize continuing email communications in a single thread as opposed to starting newer email communication threads

3. Scheduling Regular Follow-up Meetings

Consistency in catching up with the migration team is key when it comes to streamlining communications for the Slack to MS Teams migration project. Therefore, make it a point to schedule regular follow-up meetings with various agendas, including:

  • Migration progress updates
  • Validation of the migrated user batches
  • Outlook of the developing environment in Microsoft Teams
  • Time estimates for the user batches in queue
  • Analyzing the timeline to complete the migration before Slack license expiration
  • Plan for decommissioning the Slack environment post-migration

4. Setting up a Dedicated Help Desk

Apart from pre-planned meetings, there can be a lot of instances where your IT team may need to communicate with the migration team without prior plans. This type of need can occur in various scenarios, such as, API rate throttling, and file or folder conflict warnings. To be best prepared for such cases, it is best to set up a dedicated help desk through which your IT team can get 24/7 priority support.

At CloudFuze, we make it simple for businesses to set up a dedicated help desk for enterprise-grade 24/7 priority support.

5. Continuing the Communication Post-migration

No business’s Slack migration to Teams comes to an abrupt end as there are various needle movers to prioritize even after the completion of the migration project. For example, it is critical to perform a delta migration after the one-time migration to transfer all the incremental changes built up in Slack.

Other critical tasks, such as decommissioning the source cloud (Slack) and readying the target cloud (Microsoft Teams), also require rigorous communication post-migration.

Streamline Communications with CloudFuze for a Complete Slack to Teams Migration Success

The handholding we offer to our business customers through streamlined communications and extensive assistance isn’t available elsewhere in the Slack to Teams migration industry. Learn more from our migration team on how our top-tier tool capabilities can create your company’s migration success story.

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