Copy Box Data to Google Drive to Simplify Cloud Spend: 5 Points

Copy Box Data to Google Drive

Many companies that move from a standalone cloud storage service, such as Box, to a more robust cloud suite, such as Google Workspace, share the common use case of simplifying the complexities of multiple fee structures linked to using Box and other such clouds. As moving towards a cloud suite primarily focuses on reducing cloud expenditure, it is equally essential to focus on the right data migration methods to achieve it.

Here are the top five actionable points to consider when your organization is looking to optimize the overall cloud spend when you migrate Box files to Google Drive.

Cost-Effective & One-Stop-Solution Migration Method

When bringing down the cloud expenditure is one of the main reasons behind your company’s plan to switch to Google Drive from Box, it only makes sense to choose a cost-effective migration method.

Businesses must ensure that they do not settle only for a cost-effective choice but also look for a one-stop migration solution to copy Box data to Google Drive.

For example, it takes more than Box data to be migrated while transferring to Google Drive. Hence you must also consider migrating your company’s additional data from third-party tools like Calendar, Email apps, etc., to the respective Google apps.

So, by choosing a SaaS-based migration solution like CloudFuze, you can migrate multiple data sets to the same destination cloud without incurring the costs of setting up a dedicated infrastructure.

Choosing an All-Inclusive Google Workspace Plan

Most enterprises invest in several third-party SaaS tools without tracking the applications’ purpose vs their usage. This sums up unwanted expenditure on multiple cloud applications and results in data silos within the organization.

To eliminate this issue, companies must make well-informed decisions on their business requirements and plan to opt for an all-inclusive cloud suite license that covers all the desired applications needed.

When planning to transfer data from Box to Google Drive, make sure your organization signs up for a Google Workspace plan that includes other additional tools like Gmail, Google Chat, Google Meet, etc.

Migrating Only the Required Data & Decommissioning the Source Cloud License

Before initiating the migration process from Box to Google Drive, you must identify the inactive user accounts in Box and delete or archive them. Filtering inactive or unwanted user account data that are no longer needed for critical business operations results in a quicker migration time and helps lower the migration cost.

CloudFuze’s managed migration team can help segregate user account data with a granular approach for a quicker migration with lesser data and thereby help optimize the cloud spend.

If the Box license is not decommissioned after migrating data to Google Drive, it can lead to maintaining a hybrid cloud model. It results in paying double licensing costs as you will have to bear both the source and destination licenses.

By decommissioning the source cloud license that you no longer need, you can achieve significant cost savings and reduce the complexity of IT operations in maintaining multiple cloud licenses.

Performing Incremental Migration

When transferring data from Box to Google Drive, users continue using Box which results in incremental changes in their files and folders. This calls for migrating the incremental changes since the last migration from the source cloud (Box) to the destination cloud (Google Drive) to achieve 100% data replication.

CloudFuze is capable of performing delta migration to transfer only the incremental changes from the source to the destination cloud, eliminating the need to migrate the entire data once again. It eventually results in a reduced cost of cloud data migration.

Training Users on Adopting the Destination Cloud

Organizations must take measures to educate their employees on the new cloud platform and make them familiar with the user interface. By getting hands-on experience, users can quickly adopt the new cloud platform (Google Drive). It enables them to decommission the source cloud assets at the earliest, considerably reducing the cloud spend.

Reducing cloud expenditure is an ongoing process that needs constant monitoring of all the areas of improvement associated with a cloud platform.

CloudFuze is a leading cloud data migration vendor with great expertise in migrating data across different clouds. Our proficient migration team can help detect and address any potential bottlenecks in your Box to Google Drive (and other cloud combinations) migration project and help save significant cost spending.

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