15 Things to Check Before Migrating Google Drive to SharePoint Online

For most businesses, there are a lot of processes involved when it comes to migrating company data from Google Drive to SharePoint. So much so that it gets cumbersome to keep track of every important factor.

To simplify the overall work, we recommend going through our checklist for Google Drive to SharePoint Online migration:

Google Drive to SharePoint Online migration checklist

1. Choose the Right Google Drive to SharePoint Migration Tool

The right migration tool will not only help your company simplify migration but also avoid disruptions even when moving high-volume and/or sensitive data. CloudFuze’s migration platform automates the entire migration process, enabling you to focus on your everyday work.

Contact our migration team to learn how CloudFuze can work to your company’s benefit.

2. Work With a Dedicated Migration Manager and Team

It’s important to protect the integrity of your company data’s volume and sensitivity when moving Google Drive to SharePoint. And the best way to do this is to have a dedicated migration manager and a team working only for your company’s migration.

3. Run a Couple of Pilot Tests

No migration is too safe to be initiated without performing tests. Regardless of the number of users and volume of data your company wants to migrate, we recommend running several pilot tests first. This will help you discover loopholes and better understand the migration platform.

We recommend creating demo folders and files for test migrations.

Google Drive test data

4. Use Admin Accounts for Adding Source and Destination Clouds

Even the most secure access protocols such as OAuth and REST API require admin access to cloud accounts. Our Google Drive to SharePoint Online migration steps guide covers all the important steps, including adding source and destination clouds using admin accounts.

5. Move High-volume Company Data in Batches

Segregating high-volume data migration requirement into several batches will help your company keep the risk of latency, transfer rate throttling, and migration disruption at bay.

6. Create Sites in SharePoint Online Before the Migration

Without Sites, there will be no proper root address to map to when configuring the migration. Have internal discussions and meetings in your organization and create the required number and types of SharePoint Online sites.

7. Create CSV Mapping for Migrating to Multiple SharePoint Sites

To make sure that you migrate files and folders do the exact SharePoint Sites as intended, we recommend creating CSV mappings for each SharePoint Site.

CSV mapping SharePoint Sites

Doing this is also important when migrating Google Shared Drives to SharePoint Online.

8. Don’t Map User Accounts That Are No Longer Used

Skip unused user accounts during the mapping process to avoid confusions and shorten the overall time needed to move all files from Google Drive to SharePoint.

9. Migrate Version History, Timestamps, and Sub-folder Permissions

Every minor detail associated with the company data plays a crucial role in operations. Therefore, it’s a must to migrate them. With a tool like CloudFuze, you can migrate sharing permissions, timestamps, version history, comments, and shared and embedded links.

Migration configuration

10. Choose Which Timestamp To Migrate

Make sure to migrate the timestamp that matters the most. For companies that work on time-sensitive data, creation date is the most important timestamp to migrate.

Migrate timestamps

11. Automate Special Character Replacement

Microsoft doesn’t allow special characters in the names of files stored in OneDrive and SharePoint. Therefore, it’s important to rename the files that are to be migrated to SharePoint Online. You can automate this process with CloudFuze.

Replace special characters

12. Keep Track of Migration Progress

We recommend keeping proper track of the daily migration reports as the migration progresses. You’d definitely not want to extend the timeframe and raise the risk of having your Google Workspace (formerly G Suite) subscription renewed for another annual payment cycle.

13. Cross-check Data After Migration Completion

After the migration is completed, make sure to manually cross-check whether all data has been transferred from Google Drive to SharePoint.

14. Sync Incremental Changes After Migration Completion

Also, syncing Google Drive data’s incremental changes to SharePoint Online via delta migration is another important work to do after migration completion.

Delta migration

15. Perform a through clean-up at the source cloud

Lastly, make sure to delete all the data in Google Drive if your company is permanently leaving Google Workspace when switching to Microsoft 365.

If you need more information, our migration team can help you. Share your query or simply request a quote for migration pricing details.

You can also try CloudFuze on your own with a free trial account!

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Leverage our one-stop solution to securely migrate to Microsoft 365, Google Workspace, and between other leading clouds. Our solutions are ready to tackle migrations of all sizes and complexities!