How to Switch From OneDrive to Google Drive With Validation?

Validating data post-migration is critical for businesses planning to switch from OneDrive to Google Drive. It ensures the transferred information is accurate, complete, and accessible in the new environment.

If you are an IT admin or manager responsible for migration in your organization, then you must know how to switch from OneDrive to Google Drive with accurate validation.

This migration validation guide helps you to cross-verify the post-migration results and know if you are on the right track.

You can validate the migration results when transferring data from one cloud to another in two significant ways. One is through analysis of migration reports; the other is by conducting an in-depth assessment of the destination environment by a dedicated migration team.

Validation of Migration Results Through Reports

Using a robust and competent migration tool to migrate OneDrive to Google Drive ensures it provides a clear and detailed migration report. By analyzing the various parameters in the migration report, you can compare if the migration results align with the ideal or expected values.

Migration Timeline

How can you know whether you have completed the OneDrive to Google Drive data transfer within the expected timeline?

Simply verify the start and end date and time in the migration report. If there is any deviation from the ideal timeline, make suitable changes to optimize the overall performance and migration speed for the next batch migration.

File/Folder Count

Organizations can significantly reduce the risk of data loss by cross-verifying the actual number of files and folders intended for migration with the numbers given in the migration report. This step is critical to ensure that no essential files are left during the migration process, preserving the integrity and completeness of the data transfer.

Data Size

How do you switch from OneDrive to Google Drive with no inconsistencies in data size between the source and the destination cloud? Refer to the total data size parameter in the migration report and compare it with the initial value before migration.

Data Paths

It becomes quite challenging when files/folders are unavailable in the desired paths in the destination environment. So to clear out this problem, you must verify whether the files/folders are moved to the intended migration paths by examining the migration report.

Individual File/Folder Verification

After you validate the high-level migration parameters, it is time for a granular verification of individual files. Once you confirm the data is correct as expected, it eliminates the risk of difficulties accessing it later.

Checking Errors/Warnings

Going through the migration report to catch any error messages or warnings makes identifying and addressing them easier compared to the manual approach. Never miss verifying this error report section while validating the migration from OneDrive to Google Drive.

Verification of Migration Results With the Help of a Dedicated Migration Team

Once you have validated the essential factors of the migration through a migration report, it is time to verify the migration with the help of a dedicated managed migration team. They help validate attributes beyond what migration reports assess.


Verify whether you have replicated the exact file/folder permissions in the destination cloud as available in the source cloud. Also, check whether you have retained any custom access settings or file-sharing configurations in the target cloud environment. It helps ensure smooth data access and no roadblocks to business operations.

Document Versions

You must verify the document versioning to confirm if you have maintained all the version history in the Google Drive environment. It enables users to access any previous versions of the file based on the requirements.

Links Migration

In case of any shared links within the files, you must verify whether the links work fine and point to the correct location. Any discrepancies in this will lead to the occurrence of broken links.

Using a reliable data migration tool like CloudFuze will offer a seamless link migration service in addition to moving the data.

User Accounts

Another important aspect of migration validation is checking whether you have migrated all the user accounts from the source to the destination cloud. The migration team verifies this by comparing the user accounts in the destination with the values in the user mapping CSV file.

File/Folder Structure

Knowing if you have maintained the same file/folder hierarchy or structure is crucial. This ensures there are no issues in locating and accessing the data. Any change in this structure could take a lot of time and effort to correct it and adversely impact your business operations.

Incremental Migration

Do not miss to verify the parameters for an incremental or delta migration just as you would for a one-time initial data transfer. Assess the delta migration’s size, number of files, and paths to make sure there are no mismatches in the values.

CloudFuze is a one-stop solution for all your cloud migration needs. We help businesses of all sizes migrate data from one cloud to another and validate it thoroughly. Our comprehensive post-migration assessment makes your OneDrive to Google Drive data transfer seamless and error-free.

Get your migration validated through an exhaustive report and a dedicated migration team. Contact us now for more details.

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