Use the CHECK Methodology for Data Migration Validation

It goes without saying that data migration validation is just as important as the data transfer process itself. However, many businesses face challenges in navigating through the complexities of validating data migration in the most impactful ways. While there is no one-size-fits-all solution to validating data migration, we have put out an easy-to-remember checklist that includes bite-sized information.

C: Complete Analysis of Migration Reports

The best way to get started with performing a structured data migration validation is to thoroughly check the migration reports. Based on the migration tool you are using, you may recieve a single or multiple types of migration reports.

For example, our cloud data migration tool X-Change, generates three different types of reports, including:

  • Daily Summary Report
  • User Migration Summary Report
  • User Detailed Data Report

Check all the key parameters that help your IT team get clarity on the overall migration and its accuracy. Some of these vital parameters include:

  • Size of the data migrated
  • Time taken to migrate the data
  • Migration completion status of each file and folder
  • Status of any file or folder in conflict

H: Historical Data Accuracy

For a lot of companies, historical order of information matters a lot, especially for smooth user collaboration. Therefore, we recommend placing equal priority on checking the migration of historical metadata and validating its accuracy. Collaborate with the migration vendor to validate the migration of:

  • Timestamps
  • All file versions
  • Selective file versions

Validating the migration of historical data is especially important when performing chat migrations as historical order maintains the flow of the message threads. For example, if you are moving away from Slack, make sure to validate the migration of Slack history in group and direct messages.

E: Examine Data Relationships

Another critical area of data migration validation to focus on is data relationships. Relationships, such as hierarchies, access levels, and sharing with external collaborators, play a vital role in ensuring smooth communications and operations continuity post-migration.

Therefore, make sure that your IT team performs proper validation of:

  • Folder structure preservation
  • External shares retention
  • User roles retention

C: Cross-Reference Validation

In migration projects that involve moving large sizes of data, performing the validation with a manual approach becomes complex and time-consuming. This is where the approach of cross-reference validation serves an efficient and cost-saving option. With this approach, you can compare the migrated data with the available source data and check for loopholes or any type of missing pieces.

Our comparison delta feature helps you compare the data migrated ion the target cloud with the data available at the source cloud. Apart from validation, our comparison delta feature also helps businesses perform reconciliation to recover from the prior inaccurate migration they have had with their previous migration partner.

K: KPI Monitoring and Performance Analysis

Lastly, it’s always best to establish some core KPIs (Key Performance Indicators) for validating the migration in ways that align with your company’s migration goals. Since there are no one-size-fits-all KPIs, you can consider the below metrics to establish a set of robust KPIs for your company to streamline the validation process.

  • Is shared data migrated to the relevant libraries in the target cloud?
  • Are there proper conflict resolution processes in place?
  • Are user roles adjusted with the target cloud’s hierarchy?
  • Is the migrated data synced with the target cloud’s native and 3rd party apps?

Streamline Migration and Validation with CloudFuze

With CloudFuze as the migration partner, your company can structure and streamline the entire data transfer and validation process. Connect with our migration team to explore ways how you can migrate your company’s data in strategic ways with us.

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Leverage our one-stop solution to securely migrate to Microsoft 365, Google Workspace, and between other leading clouds. Our solutions are ready to tackle migrations of all sizes and complexities!