10 Ways To Choose a Migration Tool to Transfer Dropbox to OneDrive

Transfer Dropbox to OneDrive

No matter the size of the data, the number of user accounts, and the specifics of your company’s migration needs, it’s the migration tool you use that determines the migration success.

As an IT admin, you may already know how important it is to choose the right migration tool. To make things easier for you in selecting the right migration tool, we have listed ten approaches you can take.

1. Check if the Tool Is Designed for High-volume Migration

If your company has terabytes or petabytes of data to migrate from Dropbox to OneDrive, it’s essential to choose a migration tool that can actually handle such a load.

Choosing a migration tool that is discretely designed for high-volume cloud data migration will help you make sure that it does not crash during the migration and that you do not lose your company data on Dropbox.

2. Check if the Tool Can Migrate Permissions and Dropbox-specific Features

Most free tools can migrate data, but they lack one crucial area: migrating permissions and Dropbox-specific features. And when migrating company data, it’s essential to make sure no feature is left behind when making the switch from Dropbox to OneDrive.

It’s only through a discrete migration tool like CloudFuze that you can migrate root/subfolder permissions, file permissions, and other sharing permissions along with Dropbox Paper and other features.

3. Learn About the Data Access Protocols the Tool Uses

In the process of transferring Dropbox to OneDrive and to SharePoint Online, you do not want to compromise your company’s data privacy.

Therefore, choosing a migration tool or a platform that uses some of the most secure data access and authentication protocols such as REST API and OAuth helps a lot.

4. Look For Flexible, Tailored Pricing

No two business migration needs are the same, and neither should be the pricing. You may overpay and under-benefit or underpay and make compromises with fixed pricing.

Depending on the number of user accounts, the overall data size, and specific custom requirements, our migration team at CloudFuze will justify the budget you need with tailored pricing. Please send us a price quote request.

5. Check if the Tool Can Run On a Private Migration Environment

Your company’s Dropbox data may be too sensitive to be migrated on a standard SaaS server. To move sensitive Dropbox data to OneDrive, it is essential to use a migration tool that can run on a private migration environment that includes a dedicated server.

Apart from choosing between standard or dedicated migration servers, you can also run CloudFuze in your company’s data center to make sure no data gets out in shared networks. Our migration team can help you understand this more.

6. Learn if the Tool Can Comply With Your Country’s Specific Data Regulations

If there are specific data regulations in your country where your company is based, it’s essential to ensure that the migration tool you choose can comply with them.

For example, if your company is based in the UK or EU, it’s a must to use a migration tool that can comply with GDPR and other data protection laws.

7. Know Whether the Tool Can Support Specific Custom Needs

If you have specific custom needs, such as rewriting or altering specific code scripts of the migration platform, it’s crucial to choose a migration service provider that offers this flexibility.

Also, catering to specific and intricate custom requirements is the mark of a dedicated and scalable cloud migration service.

8. Learn if It’s a DIY or a Managed Tool

Does the migration tool you plan to use have a self-service model? Or is it managed by a dedicated migration team? These are the questions you need to answer with your IT team and other decision-makers in your company.

It’s a good step to go for managed migration service like CloudFuze if your company has terabytes or petabytes of data to transfer from Dropbox to OneDrive and SharePoint Online.

9. Check if There’s Availability of Regular Reporting

If your company’s IT team and decision-makers have decided to go with a managed migration service, make sure to learn whether you will receive regular updates.

With regular migration updates, you will be well-informed of the daily progress. You can also use the migration of dates later on to rationalize migrated data on OneDrive and SharePoint Online.

10. Look For Incremental Migration Service

No business migration is complete without incremental syncs. Since the odds are high that teams in your organization will be working on Dropbox during migration, it’s a must to update the incremental changes via delta migration.

With CloudFuze, you can request as many incremental syncs as you need to rationalize data migrated on OneDrive and on SharePoint Online properly.

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