How To Perform a Multi-Cloud Migration to a Single Cloud Suite

Performing a multi-cloud migration comes with extra sets of challenges as there is more than just a pair of cloud environments to work with. Right from the planning to the execution stage, businesses must ensure that the steps they take to align with the efforts to meet all the migration goals.

Get actionable insights from the guide to streamline your company’s plan to move business data across multiple clouds while meeting all the planned goals.

Finalize the Cloud Consolidation Plan

The first step to ensuring that the multi-cloud data migration project improves business processes is to plan how to consolidate the multi-cloud environment situation. If your organization is planning to let go of multiple clouds, such as Box and Dropbox, and use a single cloud suite, such as Microsoft 365, it is critical that you do not go wrong in choosing the final target cloud where everything is to be migrated over.

Multi-cloud data migration
The best practice for a one cloud ultimatum to follow is to choose the cloud where users are the most active and migrate all other cloud office’s data into it. There are several business-benefiting reasons, including:

  • The IT team does not have to evangelize about the target cloud since users are already active on it.
  • Users do not have to go through a rigorous adoption phase which makes change management processes lightweight.
  • Cloud environment familiarity helps avoid user productivity disruptions.

Plan Whether to Partially or Completely Move to a Single Cloud

Regardless of the number of clouds your organization plans to leave and consolidate everything into a single cloud suite, it is critical to decide whether to make the move partial or complete. For example, if some data sets must remain in the source cloud environments, a partial migration can help meet the goals.

On the other hand, if the objective is to move everything over for business use cases such as simplifying multiple fee structure and data governance, undertaking a complete and comprehensive migration will ensure the best outcomes.

Avoid Overlooking Granularity Despite More Number of Clouds

Although a greater number of clouds to work with means more complexity, your IT team must not overlook the importance of taking a granular approach to move user accounts, data, emails, links, and messages strategically.

With a granular approach, your IT team can have full control over segregating the users, data, emails, links, and chats to migrate and validating them as and when they are migrated over to the target cloud.

Plan and Execute the Migration in Phases

The more the number of clouds to consolidate, the higher the migration workloads. And the more the migration workloads, the higher the risks of API throttling as a greater number of API calls are required. To overcome API throttling and other risks, it is best to execute the migration in phases across multiple instances.

Unlike other migration service providers, we at CloudFuze, offer the flexibility of deploying the multi-cloud data migration project in phases, regardless of the size. This approach helps keep the risk of API throttling at bay.

Multi-cloud migration in phases

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Connect with our migration team and explore the unexplored avenues of possibilities for your company’s plan to consolidate multiple clouds into one.

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Leverage our one-stop solution to securely migrate to Microsoft 365, Google Workspace, and between other leading clouds. Our solutions are ready to tackle migrations of all sizes and complexities!