Transfer Box Files to OneDrive With Granular Control
When you migrate content from Box to OneDrive, a granular approach is necessary for greater precision and control. Handling each segment of the migration process with granularity makes validating and testing the migration process much easier and simpler, eliminating the risk of data loss or errors.
This blog post demonstrates how CloudFuze makes it easy for business managers and IT admins to take a granular approach to transfer Box files to OneDrive.
1. Granular Control in Mapping Users and Configuring Mapping Paths
During Box migration to OneDrive, transferring all the user account data is not always necessary. Some cases might need you to move only selective user accounts from source to destination cloud. Moreover, selective user data migration substantially reduces the project timeline.
CloudFuze makes it easy for business managers and IT admins to take a granular approach to user mapping and configure mapping paths when you migrate content from Box to OneDrive. It allows customers to choose the desired folders of each user account in the source and map them to the respective destination folders. You can also configure specific mapping paths between Box and OneDrive, not limiting to email address matches.
Types of User Account Mapping during Box Migration to OneDrive
IT teams have three options to map user accounts using the CloudFuze X-Change migration tool: auto mapping, CSV mapping, and folder display mapping.
2. Granular Control in Choosing Features To Migrate
When your organization plans to transfer Box files to OneDrive, you can choose a granular approach to migrating features, such as file/folder permissions, shared links, external shares, and timestamps. This granularity helps migrate only the necessary features to meet your migration goals and maintain workflow continuity.
For example, when businesses transfer Box files to OneDrive with a strategic and granular approach, you get various options, such as moving only selective file versions instead of all versions while ensuring 100% replication.
3. Granular Control in Configuring the Security Parameters
Having a high granularity during Box migration to OneDrive helps companies and their IT teams steer clear of security risks. For example, the stakeholders of the migration project must review how the migration tool accesses the source and destination cloud authorization data.
Also, IT teams can work with the migration partner to set data recovery and troubleshooting processes to avoid downtime during the actual data transfer stage.
Companies must break down the security attributes granularly, making reviewing their compliance with data protection and legal policies easier.
4. Granular Control in Transferring Incremental Changes
While performing delta Box migration to OneDrive, carrying out the incremental changes of all user accounts may not be necessary, especially when a company has limited time and needs to decommission the source cloud (Box) immediately.
Following a granular approach in delta migration allows you to select only the required user account data, considerably saving your business time and cost.
5. Granular Control on Live Migration Monitoring and Reporting
Businesses and their IT teams usually settle with the default migration monitoring and reporting processes that migration partners present. However, it is advisable to go granular in configuring these two attributes to gain full clarity of the ongoing migration project.
For example, IT teams can plan and add only specific team members integral to the Box to OneDrive migration to CloudFuze’s migration reports.
Contact our data migration experts for more information on how CloudFuze can help your IT team with granularity when transferring Box files to OneDrive.
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