Demoing Tools to Migrate from Dropbox to SharePoint: 5 Insights

It is only through a proper demo session that it becomes easy for your IT team to analyze whether the tools you have shortlisted to migrate from Dropbox to SharePoint can truly meet your organization’s needs.

Use this brief guide to get insights into planning and making the most out of the demo sessions you schedule with the migration providers you shortlist.

1. Prepare Pilot Users and Data for the Tool Demo

Before choosing a tool for your Dropbox migration to SharePoint, it is critical to test it by replicating the actual use case scenario. For this, we recommend preparing a small pilot batch of user accounts and data to migrate from Dropbox to SharePoint.

Also, ensure that you test the tool’s capabilities in a demo or POC to transfer these features:

  • Sharing permissions
  • Dropbox Paper files
  • All and selective versions
  • Timestamps
  • External shares
  • Links

Make sure to prepare the test batch in the most lightweight way possible. For example, you can add just two user accounts and a couple of GBs of files and folders. This way, your team, along with the migration vendor’s team, can complete the migration process within a short time in the demo session.

2. Validate the Migrated Users and Data

Rather than getting the validation report sent to your team a day or two after the demo session, it is best to validate the migrated user accounts, data, and its features in the demo/POC session itself. This approach helps your IT team get full clarity on the migration tool’s reporting capabilities.

With this approach, your IT team and other teams involved in migration project can save a significant amount of time in decision-making. As a result, streamlining the technical aspects of the project planning becomes possible.

3. Understand Security and Compliance

It is equally important to understand the migration tool’s security features and compliance with data security/residency regulations, e.g., GDPR for UK businesses. Having a clear overview of the tool’s security and compliance helps protect the data and streamline the legal processes of the entire migration project when finalizing the migration partner.

4. Learn About the Scope of Tool Customization

Your organization might require customized tools tailored to your specific migration needs. So, apart from the readily available technical capabilities, check if the tool best fit for customizations to meet highly specific migration needs.

In the demo session itself, you can have a round of discussions around tool customizations regarding what’s possible and what’s not.

5. Demo the Tool When Scoping the Migration Project

Lastly, we recommend demoing the tool when planning the scope of work (SOW) to migrate data from Dropbox to SharePoint Online. This helps you ensure that the tool can meet all your business’s migration needs without compromises on performance and security side of things.

There’s no such thing as one and only demo. With a migration provider like CloudFuze, you can schedule multiple demos and POCs to fully understand the tool’s capabilities to streamline decision-making. Contact our migration team to learn more.

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