5 Mistakes Businesses Should Avoid While Moving From Slack to Teams

With its robust app integration, Microsoft Teams is a productivity hotspot for employees. Many businesses ranging from small to large are rapidly moving from Slack to Teams to set up a whole digital workplace within Teams.

Microsoft Teams communications and collaboration platform topped 270 million monthly active Teams users in Dec 2021, up from 250 million monthly active Teams users announced in July 2021.

It’s important to know a few things when switching from Slack to Teams if you want to avoid mistakes.

Slack to teams Migration

1. Not Having a Clear Migration Plan

Most businesses make the common mistake of not having a well-thought-out migration plan. Having an effective data migration plan beforehand can prevent businesses from going over budget and resulting in project failure.

Before initiating migration, decide which user chat you want to migrate and what format it should be in after migration. It’s a good way to start putting together a Slack to Teams data migration checklist that outlines the precise tasks that must be performed to carry out a clear migration strategy.

2. Leaving Slack Direct Messages While Migrating

Though Slack’s direct messages and Team’s chats look similar, migrating them is complex, as Microsoft doesn’t support importing direct messages to Teams. But, if you are switching from Slack to Teams without moving direct messages, you might lose key business assets that your users have shared between one-to-one and a small group of people working together as a team.

Alternatively, you can opt for a third-party tool that supports migrating all the users, chat, files, emojis, @mentions, and timestamps of direct messages from Slack to Teams. CloudFuze is one of the few migration services that migrates all direct messages, and channel conversations from Slack into respective Teams chat and teams.

3. Missing Important Slack Features Behind

Team members communicate using many Slack features to complete tasks and projects. So, ensure that these features are migrated and users see no difference in finding their chat in Teams. Most of the commonly used Slack features include:

  • Text chat
  • Emojis
  • Timestamps
  • @mentions
  • Videos
  • Files (documents, sheets, slides, etc.)
  • Replies
  • Threads
  • Pinned messages
  • Attachments

CloudFuze understands how important a single piece of data is to a company and carefully migrates all your data in multiple stages without missing a single text/feature.

4. Not Carefully Evaluating the Migration Service

Choosing the right migration service is critical to the Slack to Teams migration success. Thus, businesses should evaluate several factors before choosing a migration service, including support, security, pricing, and supported migration features.

Several cloud migration services are available in the market, but not all migration providers support all the features. So, it is recommended to undertake a thorough analysis of business migration needs before selecting a cloud migration service.

Slack to Teams migration can significantly benefit your business, but there is no one-size-fits-all migration solution. Get in touch with CloudFuze today and see how our experts can help you.

5. Underestimating Migration Costs

Cloud migration is complex and risky and can be costly for any business. The cost of a Slack to Teams migration tool varies greatly depending on the following:

  • Number of Slack users to be migrated
  • Number of channels to be migrated
  • Size of files to be migrated
  • Specific features to be migrated

In addition, the cost may also vary depending on the custom or tailor-made solutions that a business requires and the level of support needed throughout the process.

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