10 Features To Look For in a Dropbox to SharePoint Migration Tool

Choosing the right migration tool is a needle mover in ensuring a complete success of Dropbox to SharePoint Online migration. And to choose a proper tool, it is crucial to look for features that meet your company’s migration needs.

Check out the ten critical features you and your IT team must look for when exploring data migration tools for your company’s upcoming Dropbox to Microsoft 365 migration project.

 Dropbox to SharePoint Migration Tool

1. Support for High-volume User and Data Migration

One of the primary features to look for in a Dropbox to SharePoint migration tool is the support for the migration of user accounts and data in a high volume. Many free and DIY data migration tools support only a limited volume of users and data during the migration.

Suppose your company has a lot of users in the Dropbox environment and needs to migrate them all. In that case, it is important to explore migration tools that have the technical capability to handle large workloads during the migration.

You can check out our guide, Free vs. Paid Ways to Move Dropbox to Microsoft 365, to explore how paid tools have the edge over free tools.

Free vs Paid Dropbox to SharePoint migration tools

2. Permissions and Other Features Migration

Since almost all businesses must replicate the source cloud user collaboration environment in the destination cloud, it is crucial to choose a migration tool that can transfer sharing permissions and other features, including:

  • Timestamps
  • Embedded links
  • Shared links
  • External shares
  • All versions
  • Selective versions

Features migration

3. Dropbox Paper Migration

Although Dropbox Paper is exclusive to Dropbox, it is critical to migrate Paper files, especially if your company’s users work heavily on them. Only a few migration tools in the market, including CloudFuze, offer extensive Dropbox Paper migration.

CloudFuze migrates Dropbox Paper files as .DOCX files to SharePoint Online and OneDrive for Business

Dropbox Paper migration

4. Automatic Replacement of Unsupported Characters

SharePoint Online and OneDrive for Business do not support certain special characters in file and folder names. Therefore, it is important to look for a migration tool with a built-in function to replace the unsupported characters with an automatic process.

5. Automatic Resolution of Long File Paths

SharePoint Online and OneDrive for Business also do not support more than 400 characters for the total decoded path length of files. Therefore, your company must choose a tool that can automatically trim the long file paths to overcome the limitations.

Long file path resolution

6. User Mapping Customization Option

Businesses migrating from Dropbox to OneDrive and SharePoint may need to customize mappings for certain user accounts, such as inactive accounts. In such cases, it is crucial to explore migration tools that include the option to customize user mapping.

7. Tool Customization Option

Another type of customization that businesses should look for in a migration tool is the option to customize the migration functionalities. For example, if your company has highly specific migration needs for which solutions are not available, it is crucial to partner with a migration service provider, such as CloudFuze, that offers tool customization flexibility.

8. API Throttling Resolution

Most businesses that need to migrate a significant number of users and a large amount of data stand at the risk of facing API throttling issues. Therefore, a migration tool that has the capability to resolve API throttling automatically is an ideal choice.

9. Single and Multiple Delta Migration

Migrating incremental changes that occur during the migration at the source cloud (Dropbox) is crucial to ensure that the migrated data is updated with all the latest changes. And to do this, a migration tool that offers businesses the option to perform either a single or multiple
delta migration
works the best.

10. Data Reconciliation

It is common for businesses to face minor data mismatch issues after the migration. In such cases, it is important that the migration tool has the capability to reconcile data and leave no room for errors. Migration service providers, such as CloudFuze, offer data and reconciliation support for businesses of all sizes.

Data migration reconciliation

Explore More About CloudFuze Data Migration Tool

Want to learn more about how CloudFuze’s Dropbox to SharePoint migration tool can help your business meet its migration goals? Get in touch with our business migration team.

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