Google Drive to SharePoint File Transfer Tool For Cost Savings

Google Drive to SharePoint

There is no denying the fact that businesses should get everything right during the migration when moving from Google Drive to SharePoint Online or from any source code to destination. However, it is equally important to reach the migration goals within the budget that the finance team approves.

So, how can businesses achieve the balance of achieving migration goals while keeping costs in check? The most important step is to choose a migration service provider that opens up room for optimization.

Read this post to understand how the CloudFuze X-Change migration tool helps businesses optimize their Google Drive to SharePoint migration costs while meeting all the project needs.

1. Tailored Pricing Based on the Migration Needs

Companies and their IT teams must take a highly strategic approach in choosing migration tools’ pricing models. Many tools in the market have price packages based on the tool’s functionalities, such as sharing permissions migration.

However, static pricing packages do not cater to the specific migration needs of companies that are aligned toward cost-saving goals. This is where a migration tool with a tailored pricing model comes as a utilitarian option.

With CloudFuze X-Change, businesses do not have to face the cost-savings challenge of choosing a specific pricing package.

We offer price quotes depending on several migration needs, including:

  • The size of the data to migrate
  • The number of user accounts to transfer
  • The types of features (e.g., permissions and metadata) to migrate
  • The type of migration environment to use

2. No Obligation for Annual License Commitments

Annual tool license commitments put companies off track in reaching their cost-saving goals. Yearly license commitments particularly do not benefit companies that have a medium-sized project requirement to transfer Google Drive data to SharePoint.

In most cases, completing medium-sized migration projects does not take more than six months; therefore, companies can be at a loss by paying for an annual license.

Whether your company has a short or extended timeline for the migration project completion, there is no obligation to stick to an annual license with CloudFuze.

3. Options for Optimizing the Migration to Lower the Cost

IT teams must check all the core areas and identify options that work towards their advantage in optimizing the migration project to keep the cost in check.

For example, your company might not need to migrate all the user accounts and the entire data from Google Drive to OneDrive and SharePoint Online. By identifying and skipping data and user accounts that are not important, it becomes easy to lower the migration cost.

Choosing user accounts and data to migrate and skip

With CloudFuze, your IT team can also take a granular approach to optimize the migration at the functionality level. For example, you can get granular in choosing selective file versions and migrating them or performing delta migrations of only selective user accounts.

4. SaaS Model For Eliminating Extra Costs of Infrastructure Setup

DIY migration tools designed to be deployed in the private data center raise the cost for businesses planning to keep the migration project in check. With such tools, businesses must incur extra expenses in setting up the migration infrastructure.

However, migration vendors, including CloudFuze, have a SaaS model where customers do not have to bear the expenses of deploying the tool in an on-prem environment. The inclusion of server costs in the migration quote helps businesses avoid unforeseen expenses as the project progresses to the execution stage.

5. Dedicated MSP Program for Volume Discounts

MSPs looking forward to lowering costs for several of their clients’ migration projects can benefit from a migration service provider that offers a dedicated MSP program. For example, the all-inclusive license of the MSP program can help MSPs of all sizes use a single tool license for multiple migration projects and help each client benefit from cost savings.

CloudFuze offers a dedicated MSP Partner Program with attractive benefits, such as volume discounts, renewable/extendable licenses, and many others.

CloudFuze MSP Program

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