Public Cloud Storage? Private storage? Or Best of Both Worlds? | Hybrid Cloud Storage

Hybrid Cloud Storage is a solution for the problem that arose from on-premise and cloud storage offerings. Through the history of technology, our data has gone from desktop to server to cloud, and now to a combination: Cloud and server. We’re going there because the cloud hasn’t given us what we thought it would in security and speed while on-premise storage holds us back from collaboration and working remotely.

As we know, on-premise is the most secure and controllable storage type that gives you the ability to work without an internet connection. However, it also limits the availability of data to the specific location of your server or local device. Enter: Cloud computing. Cloud storage offerings such as Drop Box, Google Drive, or Sky Drive allow us to access data no matter where you are in the world. Questions of security and control over your data in the cloud have led the new wave of storage solutions which is Hybrid Cloud.

The new solution, Hybrid Cloud, gives you the best of both worlds: The security, control, and performance of on-premise data storage with the flexibility and collaboration of in-the-cloud storage. The goal for this solution is to combine services and data from a variety of cloud models to create a unified, automated, and well-managed computing environment. To put it simply, your spreadsheets, code, documents, or databases can be simultaneously stored to an on-premise device as well as a cloud-based solution to be accessed whenever and wherever you might be on a given day.

In December of 2012, Network World published an article titled 2013: Year of the Hybrid Cloud, in which John Tread way mentioned “Next year has to be the year that enterprises get serious about having real cloud operations as part and parcel of their IT operations”. Notice that he said as a part of their solution, not the whole solution. And the enterprises followed suit. Both large companies with a historical stake in storage and younger companies like  Egnyte  have announced major initiatives in the storage world with Hybrid Cloud Solutions which do the very thing corporations need: combine on-premise with cloud-based solutions.?

With the installation of a Hybrid cloud a new opportunity for success has come along: Collaboration, syncing, and migration of data. Enter: CloudFuze. When data is stored on different types of software using multiple servers you’ll want to collaborate from person to person, sync, and migrate data from one place to another. CloudFuze 2.0 gives you all of that in the palm of your hand on your phone, between your hands using your tablet, or at your fingertips while working remotely on your laptop.

CloudFuze gives you one access point to all of your data regardless the server you prefer. CloudFuze has announced partnerships with Citrix ShareFile (May 6, 2014) and more recently Egnyte (July 2, 2014) who both also support hybrid storage models. Using these solutions, customers have access to all of their files in one place with one application while maintaining control, familiarity, and speed.

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