To Use or Not Use Teams When Moving from Slack to MS Teams?

Many companies are moving from Slack to Teams for various reasons, such as cost-efficiency and integration with the Microsoft 365 apps. Out of several areas to prioritize during the migration, one important area (which many businesses overlook) to focus on is to have a plan on whether the end-users should be using Teams during the real-time migration of Slack channels and group and one-on-one messages.

In general, both Slack and Teams can be used simultaneously during the migration process. But using Teams can significantly impact how smoothly the migration goes and how effectively employees collaborate and communicate during this time.

This article will explore the complexities and repercussions of using Teams when moving away from Slack.

Impact of Using Teams When Moving From Slack to Teams

The decision to use Microsoft Teams during the transition from Slack to Teams can significantly impact the migration process. It can introduce complexities and confusion as users need to adapt to a new platform during the migration process.

  • Migration of direct messages(DMs) from Slack to Teams can be tricky. Messages from both platforms may merge, potentially causing confusion among users.
  • Communicating on both platforms simultaneously can create challenges in managing multiple conversations and staying organized.
  • Not everyone within the organization may be well-versed in using Teams, and this lack of familiarity could potentially hinder productivity if proper training is not provided.

Not using Teams during migration ensures a clear transition. It is recommended that users start fresh with MS Teams once the migration is completed, eliminating any confusion or data merging issues.


Using Teams during migration can introduce complexities that can add more friction to the overall project, raising the risk of messages/files/features overlap and duplication. By weighing more on the priority to avoid using Teams during the migration, your team can ensure that the Slack transfer process becomes smooth sailing.

Effective planning and expert migration assistance are essential to migrate from Slack to MS Teams successfully. Reach out to the skilled experts at CloudFuze to embark on a smooth and successful migration journey from Slack to Teams.

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