Switching From Dropbox to Google Drive to Simplify Fee Structure

For most companies, one of the prime reasons for moving from one cloud to another is to reduce and optimize the overall cloud costs. It involves revising and streamlining the operations associated with migrating data from the source to the destination cloud.

In this article, we will find strategic ways to simplify multiple fee’s structure and reduce the overall expenses when you move files from Dropbox to Google Drive.

1. Filter Unwanted/Inactive User Accounts

If your company is looking to cut down the overall expenditure to move files from Dropbox to Google Drive, you must first plan what data to migrate. Scan through your existing data and filter the inactive or unwanted user accounts.

Doing this reduces the fee a third-party migration service provider charges for moving these additional records. You can also achieve the data transfer in a shorter time than moving the entire data.

2. Select the Appropriate Plans and Storage

As your company proceeds with the decision to move files from Dropbox to Google Drive, you must pick the appropriate plan that suits your business needs. While selecting it, ensure the shortlisted Google Drive plan covers all the required features and applications.

Choose a plan that offers you just the right level of storage. Avoid overspending on unnecessary storage space for your business needs, as unused cloud resources contribute to the costs associated with cloud waste.

3. Choosing the Right Migration Partner

When your organization plans to migrate files from Dropbox to Google Drive, you must choose the right data migration partner. Trustworthy migration vendors help achieve your cloud goals by offering flexible plans and pricing. They enable switching from Dropbox to Google Drive most efficiently through well-planned migration strategies and best practices.

Also, choose a SaaS-based migration service model that does not demand annual subscription fees and allows you to pay for what you use.

4. Execute Incremental Migration of Selective Data

Let us assume you have proceeded with data migration from Dropbox to Google Drive. But what happens when your company’s users keep working on the source cloud during migration? 

It results in newly added or modified data in the source (Dropbox). You must execute an incremental or delta migration to reflect these latest changes in the destination cloud (Google Drive). It helps cut down the migration expenses and additional fees for moving the entire source records once again.

You can further optimize the cost of the delta migration through a granular data selection to filter out unwanted new records.

5. Go for a Holistic Migration Approach

When your organization plans to move files from Dropbox to Google Drive, you must perform a holistic migration that includes other migration components. For example, your business might be using separate email and messaging platforms along with Dropbox. Therefore, when making the transition from Dropbox to Google Drive, consider selecting a tool that provides email and messaging migration capabilities.

6. Decommission the Source Cloud License After Migration

Once you have successfully migrated data from Dropbox to Google Drive, your internal IT team must take timely action to decommission the source cloud license. Extending the source cloud license adds to additional cloud expenses for your business. But before you do, validating the migration results in the destination cloud is essential.

7. Train End-Users in the New Cloud Platform

Your employees and stakeholders might be apprehensive about accepting the new cloud platform as they are used to working on a different cloud earlier.
To overcome this issue, plan for a seamless user onboarding and demo of Google Drive’s interface and train your employees for better ROI and long-term cloud benefits.

CloudFuze is a reliable and leading cloud data migration service provider that offers strategic migration planning and flexible pricing and assists you throughout the Dropbox to Google Drive migration journey.

Consult our migration experts for the optimal migration plan that suits your business goals.

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