IT Admin Checklist to Migrate From Dropbox to Google Drive

The move from Dropbox to Google Drive is a complex undertaking that typically necessitates a checklist. With experience handling hundreds of Dropbox to Google Drive migrations, CloudFuze can help you with the best cloud migration solutions tailored to your business needs.

CloudFuze keeps your Dropbox to Google Drive migration simple. Whether it is terabytes or petabytes of data to be migrated, our team of migration experts will always make it simple, fast, and cost-effective.

We recommend following the checklist below that walks you through an easier and more successful migration process.

Migrate from Dropbox to Google Drive

1. Set Up Admin Credentials

To transfer files from Dropbox to Google Drive, you need to be ready with the admin credentials of both the cloud storage services. Irrespective of any tool you choose to migrate data, you need to authorize your admin accounts of Dropbox from which you want to transfer and Google Drive to which to be moved.

2. View Your Total Dropbox Usage

When migrating to Google Drive, this is a crucial aspect to check. Google has a daily upload data limit of 750GB per user, which significantly slows down your migration if you have a lot of data in your Dropbox account.

We recommend adding as many Dropbox and Google Drive accounts as possible to move the data within your timeline. By distributing data among numerous users, you can get around the daily upload limit.

3. Find the Number of Files and Folders to Be Migrated

Google Shared Drive has a limit of 400,000 files, folders, and shortcuts combined. So, if you plan to migrate from Dropbox to Google Shared Drive, check the number of files and folders existing in your Dropbox user accounts, create multiple Shared Drives and migrate the files and folders to their appropriate shared drives.

4. Find the Number of Sub-Folders Existing

The maximum number of sub-folders (nested folders) My Drive and Shared Drive supports is up to 20 levels. This is to avoid difficulty in organizing and finding the data.

If you have more than 20 levels of nested folders in your Dropbox account, CloudFuze offers the ability to migrate. It creates a link with the “Long File” name in the 20th folder, opening the 21st nested folder.

5. Prioritize the Data Attributes

All the users, data, and its attributes such as permissions, versions, metadata, comments, and shared links are key for any business. But, in some cases, migrating all the data attributes might not be necessary.

Before you start the migration, IT Admins are advised to prioritize the data attributes and migrate the required ones. This saves a lot of your business data migration cost and time.

6. Choose the Right Data Migration Solution

The data migration needs vary from business to business. So, selecting a tool that can offer custom-tailored solutions based on your organization’s business requirements is a key factor to remember for IT Admins.

In general, check whether the tool supports the below features or not:

  • Migrates permissions
  • Migrates versions and selective versions
  • Migrates timestamps
  • Reliability
  • Reviews
  • Supported clouds
  • Handles migration errors
  • Dedicated migration support
  •  Data Security

7. Sync All the Incremental Changes

While migration is in progress, it is certain that the team works on the Dropbox files, and many changes will be made throughout the user account. So, make sure that you migrate all those changes as well without any migration mistakes.

CloudFuze team performs delta migration (incremental changes) upon request once the initial migration (one-time migration) is completed.

8. Track Your Migration Project Status

Data migration status must be monitored at every stage of the process to track which data has been migrated.

With the support of the CloudFuze dedicated migration team, you get to receive regular updates on your migration project via emails or calls of your choice. This helps IT Admins and managers to track and monitor the migration status without interrupting the daily business tasks.

9. Ensure Best Security Practices

In the modern world of business, user data is a highly sensitive and vital component of a company’s operations. Data is the core and knowing that your data is secure while moving files from Dropbox to Google Drive and ensuring the cloud migration service meets your security and privacy standards is crucial.

10. Clean Up Data Before and After Migration

It takes a long time to migrate a company’s data. The more data you have, the longer it takes to migrate from Dropbox to Google Drive. Cleaning out redundant data from Dropbox account before migration will improve the speed and accuracy of your Google Drive migration

Moreover, after migrating all your business data to Google Drive, don’t forget to deactivate your old cloud (Dropbox) account.

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