11 Steps to Successfully Transfer Dropbox to Google Drive

Dropbox and Google Drive are both excellent cloud storage services. But because of the significant advantages that Google Drive offers over Dropbox, such as advanced search, lower price, and free access to other Google apps, many users are looking for quick and easy ways to transfer files from Dropbox to Google Drive.

Are you looking to switch from Dropbox to Google Drive but concerned about losing your files and folders? Moving data from Dropbox to Google Drive can be intimidating. The difficulty arises because each cloud platform is based on its own and customized architecture. There are concerns about stability, cost, and, most notably, security and many more. A successful migration reduces costs, improves scalability, and significantly reduces the risk of data loss. So, let’s get right to it: what exactly are the things to be considered for a successful Dropbox to Google Drive migration?

Dropbox to Google Drive sucessfully

1. Understand Google Drive Migration Limitations

When moving your data from Dropbox to Google Drive, there are a few Migration limitations that an IT Admin or IT Manager must be aware of:

    • My Drive and all Shared Drives allow only up to 750 GB of data to be uploaded per user per day.
    • The maximum individual file size that can be uploaded is 5 TB.
    • A folder in My Drive and all Shared Drives can support up to 20 levels of nested folders.

Understanding common Dropbox to Google Drive data migration limitations before initiating migration can help organizations better prepare for technical assistance.

Contact our migration support team to know the possible solutions for the above limitations.

2. Understand Security Risks

The Dropbox to Google Drive data migration process itself poses security concerns. Transferring large amounts of business-sensitive data from one cloud to another exposes you to significant risk.

Data is now the most important asset for any business. While the migration service provider you choose may provide strong security measures, it is your company’s responsibility to configure them correctly and ensure that your Dropbox to Google Drive data migration process has adequate security controls.

3. Use a Dropbox to Google Drive Migration Solution

It can be a very difficult task for the actual Dropbox to Google Drive migration since both the cloud storage differ in how they organize files, file permissions, file formats, etc.  Fortunately, you can use a third-party cloud migration tool to transfer files from Dropbox to Google Drive quickly and easily without any data loss.

Determine which specific solution would work best for you before you adopt it. Get to know its key characteristics such as:

  • Technical competency
  • Experience
  • Customer satisfaction
  • Customer Support
  • Market leadership
  • Reputation
  • Managed migration availability
  • Data security measures

Once you’ve narrowed down your list of Dropbox to Google Drive migration service providers, you’ll need to delve deeper to learn more about their specific capabilities. Here are a few things to consider:

  • One-time & delta (incremental) migration
  • Versions & selective versions migration
  • Root file and folder permissions migration
  • Sub-folder permissions migration
  • Shared links migration
  • External shares migration
  • Timestamps migration

4. Test the Migration Platform Real-time With Real Data

It is best for any migration service provider you choose to test the migration using data within the production environment instead of testing a smaller sample set of data using the free trial. By limiting your data migration testing with the free trial, you are almost certain to encounter conditions in the live environment that can cause a defect in your migration at runtime.

Get in touch with our team to test migrating actual data in the production environment right away and make the right decision.

5. Work With a Dedicated Migration Team

Your Dropbox to Google Drive migration project should have a dedicated migration team to manage and steer the project, with the right experts in place. As they would have worked for various companies of varying sizes to transfer files from Dropbox to Google Drive, they will have a better understanding of your migration requirements.

A migration service provider with a dedicated migration expert can do more for your Dropbox to Google Drive migration project in assisting you from pre-migration planning to following best practices to execute migration successfully, ensuring no data loss.

Get a price quote for transferring your files from Dropbox to Google Drive with a dedicated migration manager by your side.

6. Data Prioritization

It is good to prioritize data on a scale of the high, medium, and low priority to no longer be needed. This will allow you to transfer data from Dropbox to Google Drive in stages based on the priority, as migrating all data at once takes too long and will impact your business.

7. Pre-Migration Planning

Most data migration projects dive headfirst into the main migration process without considering whether the migration is feasible, which data to be migrated, how long it will take, or what major challenges lie ahead. It is thus recommended to conduct a pre-migration analysis to confirm the cost and likely outcome of the migration. The later you plan to do this, the higher the risk. Plan early and customize your Dropbox to Google Drive migration strategic plan accordingly.

8. Monitor Project During Migration

Staying in touch with your migration service provider and monitoring your migration project frequently can help you quickly identify and resolve the problem if something goes wrong during the migration.

With CloudFuze managed migration, businesses can get updates during every phase of the Dropbox to Google Drive migration via emails or calls as preferred, making it easier to keep track of the migration process.

9. Run the Incremental Changes

After the one-time migration is successfully completed, businesses shouldn’t forget to perform incremental migration (Delta migration).

Businesses like yours will have large amounts of files that need to be transferred from Dropbox to Google Drive and migrating it might take a few weeks to a few months. Meanwhile, your employees would have worked on many new or existing files. Migrating all these changes is vital for any business, and incremental data migration is one of the solutions for this problem, and it is easy to implement in the CloudFuze data migration platform.

10. Post-migration Analysis

Any data migration activity ultimately aims to improve business performance and provide a competitive advantage. So, before you deactivate your old cloud storage, i.e., Dropbox, validate that all mapped data has been migrated successfully. As a result, a dedicated team must be available to assist in detecting and fixing the issues that may arise post-migration.

11. Clean the Old Cloud Storage

Data cleaning can help ensure that only high-quality and useful data is transferred. It’s a good idea to invest some time in finding out the relevant data in your Dropbox business account and

clean up the redundant data straight away before you initiate migration. Transfer only useful and relevant data from Dropbox to Google Drive to save your migration time and efforts.

Start Migrating Today

Leverage our one-stop solution to securely migrate to Microsoft 365, Google Workspace, and between other leading clouds. Our solutions are ready to tackle migrations of all sizes and complexities!