How to Enroll for the Early Access Program in Dropbox

Dropbox is one among the business cloud storage services that is known for introducing new features. Dropbox, however, doesn’t roll out features until they thoroughly test the new capabilities. The cloud giant does offer a beta program for Dropbox enthusiasts to test the new features. Find how to enroll your Dropbox business account for the Early Access program to test cool new features.

Step 1:  Sign into

Sign in to account with your login credentials. Note that you must be an admin of your company’s Dropbox account to enable the Early Access program.

Step 2: Go to Admin Console

Click on the Admin Console tab on the left navigation menu to access the admin settings page.

Step 3: Click on the Settings Tab

Locate the Settings tab in the menu and click on it. It will take you to the page where you can

Step 4: Click on the Early Access Tab

Now, click on the Early Access tab listed under the Account Settings.

Step 5: Click on the Enroll Button

Find the enroll button on the same page and click on it. According to the Dropbox terms, beta features need to be confidential and one can’t share them until Dropbox releases them.

Step 6: Confirm Your Interest

Click on the Get Early Access button on the confirmation popup and you are all set to go!

Step 7: Dropbox Early Access Is Enabled

All the features that are currently in the beta mode will now available to you and your team members.

We hope this article on Dropbox helped you.

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