Moving from Dropbox to Google Drive With a Low Impact Strategy

Moving from Dropbox to Google Drive

Regardless of the size and timeline of your organization’s plan of moving from Dropbox to Google Drive, it is critical that the overall execution of the project is non-intrusive for the end-users. For this, implementing a low-impact migration strategy is a must.

Here are some of the approaches your IT team can explore and implement to make the overall migration project non-intrusive for the end-users.

1. Migrating the User Accounts and Data in the Background

For any migration to be non-intrusive, it is crucial that the entire user account and data transfer processes occur in the background. This essentially translates to using a copy-and-paste migration approach over a cut-and-paste approach to move files from Dropbox to Google Drive while making them available to the end-users for their daily tasks.

Some of the action items to prioritize when migrating user accounts and data in the background:

  • Schedule the migration in phases if there are lot of users and data to migrate
  • Ensure real-time tracking of the migration progress
  • Transfer all the incremental changes post-migration

2. Authorizing the Clouds with Super Admin Permissions

Another crucial approach to moving from Dropbox to Google Drive with a low-impact approach is to use the super admin permissions to add and authorize the Dropbox and Google Drive cloud in the migration tool. For example, when using CloudFuze, your IT team can use the super admin permissions to add and authorize both clouds.

Taking this approach eliminates the need to use every user’s permission to authorize their accounts when adding Dropbox and Google Drive and configuring them as the source and destination clouds.

At CloudFuze, our managed migration teams provide businesses with complete support in adding and authorizing the clouds for a smooth migration.

3. Proper Adaptation of Dropbox User Roles in Google Drive

Inaccurate conversion of user roles from Dropbox to Google Drive can severely impact the end-users through data mismatch and leak of confidential company information through flawed replication of file sharing. Therefore, it is highly critical to ensure that the Dropbox to Google Drive migration tool transfers user roles with 100% accuracy in the following way:

Dropbox Google Drive
Owner Owner
Viewer Viewer
Editor Editor

4. Suppressing Email Notifications

It can really be bothersome for the end-users if they are constantly bombarded with email notifications of updates when migrating sharing permissions of files and folders. So much so that their individual productivity and their team’s overall efficiency can take a hit.

Therefore, it is a must to suppress the email notifications in an automated way that does not require manual intervention for every single update.

CloudFuze X-Change has an email notification suppression feature, which, if enabled, suppresses all email notifications for all the users in an automated way.

5. Ensuring Extensive User Training for A Smooth Onboarding

The importance of having highly structured user training sessions is often overlooked, which, in turn, creates friction in onboarding users to Google Drive and the overall Google Workspace cloud suite. And the more the hiccups in onboarding, the more significant the impact of the migration project on individual users.

For planning and preparing proper user training and onboarding:

  • Curate the right Google Workspace resources
  • Evangelize the migration by highlighting Google Workspace’s benefits at the individual user level
  • Track user activity to get usage insights with Google tools such as Work Insights

It is only through proper onboarding that businesses and their IT teams can migrate Dropbox to Google Drive with complete success.

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