CloudFuze: A Secure Solution for Your Cloud Account Management Needs

A common concern that many users have about cloud technology is cloud security—and rightly so! People with files stored in the virtual realm of the cloud often worry that hackers, or the cloud service or app providers themselves, can access or see users’ personal information or passwords.

So, what measures do IT professionals and cloud technology providers use to ensure cloud data security and protect users’ data? To address cloud computing security issues, many providers utilize something called a cryptographic hash function, which converts a user’s password into a number based on a predetermined mathematical equation. Simply put, providers who use cryptographic hashing do not store users’ passwords at all, only the value produced from the hash function.?

But cryptographic hash functions are not entirely safe in ensuring cloud data security! Often, a common hash function is used, making it too easy for hackers and thieves to determine the function and decipher your passwords. Thus, with many providers, your data is vulnerable and could be compromised.

With CloudFuze’s secure cloud account management solution, though, there’s no need to worry!
CloudFuze uses salt password encryption to protect your private information and provide you with secure cloud storage. With CloudFuze’s secure salting encryption, your personal passwords for your Google Drive, Dropbox, SugarSync, Box, and FTP accounts are combined with additional, random data—called salt—and then converted into a hash function, exponentially increasing your protection and making it effectively impossible for hackers or thieves to breach.

In fact, not even CloudFuze has access to your individual cloud storage account data or passwords!
In addition to protecting your personal information with salting encryption, CloudFuze uses a cloud computing security design protocol called OAuth to further ensure your data is secure. OAuth allows users to grant a service like CloudFuze access to files and resources on cloud storage provider sites like Google Drive, Dropbox, SugarSync, Box, and FTP, without sharing login identifications or private passwords at all. Using OAuth gives CloudFuze limited access to your data, similar to a valet key for a car; that is, CloudFuze is able to unify all your cloud storage accounts in one place, but cannot gain access to your files or other private information like passwords.

CloudFuze is the most secured cloud storage account management app, using both salt password encryption and OAuth to protect your personal information. While CloudFuze does give you the freedom to easily access, sync, and manage various cloud storage accounts from Google Drive, Dropbox, Sugar Sync, Box, or FTP with just a single login profile, your personal data and account passwords are safe.

With CloudFuze’s secured cloud storage, you can enjoy the benefits of efficient cloud file management across multiple cloud storage accounts—without having to worry about the safety of your personal information.

Let CloudFuze provide you with the secure cloud storage account and cloud file management solution you need!

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