5 Steps to Successfully Transfer Egnyte to Google Drive

If you want to migrate your business from Egnyte to Google Drive, it can be challenging and time-consuming, especially if you have a large volume of data or users. Migrations often run over budget, take much longer than planned or completely fail, wasting time and money.

To ensure that your migration from Egnyte to Google Drive is successful, you’ll need a flawless migration strategy. This article outlines the most important steps to creating a clear roadmap to guide you to a successful Google Drive migration.

Learn how our migration team makes this process a success by checking out our comprehensive guide to Egnyte to Google Drive migration.

egnyte to Google workspace

1. Clean Up the Redundant Data Before Migration

Cloud migration is a complex process, but with proper planning, you can make your migration go smoother and more cost-effective. Before migration, make a list of all data you need to move

from Egnyte to Google Drive and remove any redundant and unnecessary data that add unnecessary risk, additional costs, and delay the entire migration process. This may include:

  • User data who is no longer with the company
  • Data that is no longer required to the company
  • Any duplicate contents

2. Find the Right Cloud Migration Partner

There is a shortage of tools available in the market that claim to perform Egnyte to Google Drive migration with zero downtime and no data loss. So, when you are migrating from Egnyte to Google Drive, you will want to make sure that your migration partner has extensive experience in migrating the complex Egnyte features, such as:

  • Versions
  • Root folder permissions
  • Subfolder permissions
  • Shared links
  • Timestamps
  • Long folder path

CloudFuze, a Google Technology Partner, can help you create a solid Egnyte to Google Drive migration plan and execute a seamless, safe, and secured migration while saving you money and stress.

3. Map the Users and Data Appropriately

To migrate the data, you must map where it goes in the destination cloud i.e., Google Drive. IT Admins must ensure that the data is mapped appropriately between the source and the destination clouds. A small change/mismatch in mapping the data can result in project failure.

Egnyte to Google Drive CSV File

With built-in functionality for data mapping based on the email addresses, you can effortlessly move files from Egnyte to Google Drive in just a few steps with CloudFuze. Also, the CloudFuze migration tool offers CSV mapping where businesses can map the users and specify the folder and file paths manually as they require.

4. Monitor Your Migration Project Steadily

Migrating large amounts of data between two different clouds is a complicated task. Even with the best migration tools, moving terabytes and petabytes of data to the Google Drive cloud can present unexpected challenges that can disrupt or delay your migration process. As a result, it is essential to monitor the migration regularly to identify and resolve the issues before they become out of hand.

Our managed migration team at CloudFuze monitors and handles all the complexities that may arise before, during, and after the migration and make your migration project successful. The team will keep you updated on your data migration project status via email notifications or calls at your convenience.

5. Perform Incremental Data Migrations

It doesn’t mean that your migration project is successful if all the data initiated for migration is migrated. Depending on the data size, the migration can take a few weeks to a few months. In the meantime, your team would have worked on several files (incremental changes) that are important to transfer.

Your Egnyte to Google Drive migration is successful when you see all the incremental changes from Egnyte are migrated to Google Drive without any error.

CloudFuze offers a delta migration feature to migrate all the changes made in Egnyte accounts since you initiated the last migration.

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