How to Get an Alert on Content Changes in SharePoint?

SharePoint is one of the leading cloud-based collaborative platforms. It has so many features. Unless you took a formal SharePoint course, it’s highly unlikely you know all of its cool features and capabilities. SharePoint has a robust notification system and one can configure it to an extent that you would get an alert when there is a change. Here are instructions on how to get alerts in SharePoint when there are content changes to a folder or a document.

Log in to Office 365 Account

Go to Enter your Office 365 login credentials to access your home dashboard.

Step 2: Click on the SharePoint Icon

Locate SharePoint from the list of available Office 365 services, and click on it. This will take you to the SharePoint portal.

Step 3: Go to a Group

Select a SharePoint group from which you need notifications. Note that you must be a part of that group to turn on alerts.

Step 4: Expand SharePoint Folder Options

Click on the ellipsis next to the folder name to expand its options. Now, click on the Alert me link in the dropdown.

Step 5: Select Your Alert Preferences

You can get alerts via email or SMS. You can also choose the level of change. Selecting All Changes will inform you about every content change, small or big.

Step 6: Get Alerts of a Single Document

If you would only like to receive alerts on just one document, expand the document options by clicking on the ellipsis. Now, click on the Alert me option.

Step 7: Apply Alert Settings

Choose your preferred form alerts and click on Ok.

We hope you found this article on SharePoint useful.

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