Cloud Storage Migration for Business

Business Cloud Storage Transfer

When businesses want to make use of business cloud storage transfer services, they are usually concerned about a few things:

  • What security is offered during transfer?
  • What is the speed of the migration?
  • Is support offered before, during and after the migration?
  • Plus there will be specific migration features that apply directly to each business and their personal requirements and these will need to be met

Each of these scenarios needs to be addressed with the utmost in experience and professionalism to avoid loss of information, breach of security or interruptions in workflow. Any setbacks could become very costly to a business, so it is essential that the right team for the job is hired to conduct the migration.

This is where managed migration services prove their value. This is a service that allows the business customer the opportunity to leave the migration task (in its entirety) to a team of experts. All of the concerns are handled with professionalism and the transfer is concluded swiftly and accurately.

Preparing A Cloud Migration Strategy

Professional service providers dealing in medium and small business cloud storage transfers will prepare a migration strategy before conducting the actual transfer. The migration strategy acts as a checklist of what needs to be done as part of the business cloud storage transfer before work can begin again as usual.

Using a solution such as CloudFuze to manage your cloud migration transfer, cloud transfers become effortless and easy to track, with a host of other benefits:

  • Each and every file and folder that is transferred can be tracked and reported on during and after the migration
  • Alerts can be set up to notify you when specific documents, folders or applications have been transferred
  • Over 40 different cloud providers are supported within the system, for cloud-to-cloud migrations or local to cloud transfers
  • The process runs in the back end meaning you can get on with other aspects of business while the work is being done for you
  • Migrations are quick and there are no limitations on the size of the files for transfer
  • Being able to have this process managed for you by a reputable team of professionals takes any negative side effects out of the entire cloud migration

When you need to service your car you take it to a professional mechanic, when you’re sick you go to a doctor. When you need to transfer highly sensitive company information, documents and applications into the cloud, you hire a professional business cloud storage migration specialist.

Contact CloudFuze today to discuss all available options for the safe, secure and fast migration of your important company data.

Start Migrating Today

Leverage our one-stop solution to securely migrate to Microsoft 365, Google Workspace, and between other leading clouds. Our solutions are ready to tackle migrations of all sizes and complexities!