Teach for America Embraces Microsoft 365 with CloudFuze

Teach for America migrated from Box to Microsoft 365 with over 90 TB of data and 1160+ users, aiming to enhance collaboration across its nationwide team. The migration, challenged by API rate limits and the complexity of file permissions, was successfully managed with CloudFuze’s expertise in permission mapping and user communication.

The outcome was a streamlined digital environment in Microsoft 365, leading to improved collaboration, productivity, and operational efficiency for the organization.

Teach for America

Customer Overview

Teach for America is celebrated for its dedication to providing every child in the United States with access to high-quality education, irrespective of their economic background. Operating across diverse regions, the organization requires a strong, adaptable, and cooperative digital framework to back its initiatives spanning the nation.

Migration Challenges

Migration Challenges

Teach For America’s migration from Box to OneDrive and SharePoint Online faced hurdles including API throttling on Box, which delayed data transfer, challenges in accurately transferring file permissions to maintain data integrity, and the need to effectively communicate with over 1160 users about the migration’s timeline and impact.

CloudFuze’s Role

CloudFuze played a crucial role in Teach for America’s migration, providing key solutions for permission mapping, advising on user account management, and delivering daily updates on API usage and migration progress, effectively navigating the challenges and ensuring a smooth transition.

CloudFuze's Role
Migration Results

Migration Results

Teach for America’s partnership with CloudFuze resulted in a successful transition of over 90 TB of data and 1160+ users to Microsoft 365, enhancing collaboration, streamlining workflows, and boosting productivity, thereby advancing their mission of ensuring equitable education.