How to Migrate External Users from Slack to Microsoft Teams

 Slack to Microsoft Teams

The external user access in Slack enables employees in your business to work with partners, vendors, customers, and anyone who does not have an account in your directory. When using Slack, your team members would have communicated and exchanged business-sensitive data with external partners through different channels.

Is your business planning to migrate from Slack to Microsoft Teams? Then migrating external user messages is as important as migrating all other Slack features. As a result, ensure that the tool/service provider you choose also migrates external users’ data.

With CloudFuze, you can easily migrate external users and data from Slack to Microsoft Teams in just a few steps.

The CloudFuze platform migrates Slack external user messages as an admin posted messages to Microsoft Teams. Let us see how CloudFuze migrates external user messages in channels.

1. External User Messages Migration in Public Channels

The below image shows the chat between the admin (Mia) and the external user (Moorus) in the Slack public channel, which we initiated for migration to Teams.

Sack Private Channels

As shown below, after switching from Slack to Teams, the external user (Moorus) messages in the Slack public channel are migrated as admin (Mia) posted messages to Teams.

Slack messages to Teams

2. External User Messages Migration in Private Channels

The below image shows the chat between the admin (Mia) and the external user (Moorus) in the private Slack channel, which we initiated for migration to Teams.

Slack Private messages to Teams

Similar to public channel migration, after migrating data from Slack to Teams, the external user (Moorus) messages in the private Slack channel are migrated as admin (Mia) posted messages to Teams.

slack to teams meassages

CloudFuze offers a wide variety of migration features that ensures your slack to Teams migration is complete with all the essential data being transferred. The platform supports migrating all the workspaces, direct messages, and private and public channels with all the users, conversations, emojis, @mentions, timestamps, and files. Schedule a free live demo with one of our migration experts and learn how CloudFuze can help you migrate data securely, quickly, and more accurately.

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