How to Build a Yammer Profile in Office 365

If utilized well, Yammer can be a great communication tool for teams around the world this Covid-19 season. Many Office 365 users don’t use Yammer extensively and spend most of their time on Microsoft Teams. While Teams is unquestionably a great tool for communication and collaboration, Yammer can act as a social networking website exclusively for your company! To start using Yammer, you first need to build your profile.

Step 1: Access Yammer

You can access your Yammer account directly at or Office 365 dashboard.

Step 2: Go to Settings

Go to the settings icon on the left top corner of the page

Step 3: Click on the Edit Settings Link

Click on the Edit Settings link under your name. This will open all the settings related to your profile.

Step 4: Edit or Add Information to Your Profile

You can change your display name, add a photo, write about yourself, etc. in your profile.

Step 5: Completed Profile Looks Like This

A full completed Yammer profile looks like this. Picture Credit: Microsoft.

We hope you found this article on Yammer helpful. How to Build a Yammer Profile in Office 365.

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