CloudFuze offers a couple options to add a higher level of security to it sharing feature. This secured file sharing feature allows CloudFuze customers to share files with a limitation on the number of times that a file can be downloaded. Once the user reaches the download count limit, the file will no longer be accessible via the CloudFuze share.
Below are the steps to share files with a download count limit using CloudFuze.
Step 1: Log in to your CloudFuze account .

Step 2: Select the files that you would like to share .
Click on “Files” on the menu on the far left. Now you can see files accessible from this CloudFuze account.
Next, select the file(s) that you would like to share. Finally, click on the “Share” icon amongst the icon menu that appears above the file list after you select file(s).

Step 3: Add the recipients to receive the shared file(s) .
Enter the email address of the people with whom you want to share the file(s) and click “Add”. You can enter a single recipient or multiple.
Finally, using the button below the text box select if you would like to use a “Public” or “Private” share. Public shares create a link to the shared file that can be used by anyone who receives the link.
Private shared files can only be accessed by the people who have have been entered to receive the file share.
(This is enforced by requiring recipients to access the file by logging into a CloudFuze account that matches an email address who is a share recipient for the file(s).)

Step 4: Set the download count for the file share.
Click on “Advanced Settings” to open the screen for advanced security settings. Next, select “Download Count” and enter the number of downloads that you would like to allow.
On this screen you can also set permissions for each of the recipients of the shared file. Options include “Read” (view only with no editing permission), “Edit” (ability to edit the file(s)) and “Co-Owner” (permission to add other users to the share).
Finally, click “Share” at the bottom right corner of this screen to initiate the share. The share recipients will then each receive an email telling them that they have a file shared with them through CloudFuze.

You will see a confirmation message for the successful file share.

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